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Car and vehicle wraps, including bus wraps and fleet wraps, are comprised of three phases. The first is the design phase which includes getting accurate measurements for the vehicle and the actual design of the graphics to be applied. The second is the production phase, where the graphic is printed and then laminated to protect the vinyl from abrasions and UV rays that can cause graphics to fade over time. The third phase is installation, where the vinyl is actually applied to your vehicle.


what is a carp wrap?

A wrap is a large vinyl graphic or decal. It is applied directly over the original paint of the vehicle. The application of the wrap allows you to change the vehicle’s appearance in a very short period of time and in turn allows you to remove the wrap, returning the vehicle back to its original condition if necessary.

what's involved in a car wrap?

Car and vehicle wraps, including bus wraps and fleet wraps, are comprised of three phases. The first is the design phase which includes getting accurate measurements for the vehicle and actual design of the graphics to be applied. The second is the production phase where the graphic is printed and then laminated to protect the vinyl from abrasions and UV rays that can cause graphics to fade over time. The third phase is installation where the vinyl is actually applied to your vehicle. In some cases there may even be a fourth phase, the removal of graphics if requested.

partial vs. full vehicle wrap

Anything less than a full wrap is normally called a “partial wrap”. A half partial wrap normally includes the entire rear of the vehicle and halfway up the vehicle, and includes a hood logo. A three-quarters partial wrap normally includes the entire rear of the vehicle and most of the way up the vehicle, and includes a hood logo. Typically, a full wrap includes the entire surface of the vehicle. No roof, roof wrapping is additional.

how long does it take to wrap my vehicle?

In general, we can wrap a van or car in one day.

how long does a wrap stay on my vehicle? 

Normally, you can leave a wrap on between one to five years.

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